এলজিইডি ই-গভর্নেন্স
At the beginning of this new millennium ICT recognized as efficient instrument to promote good governance. LGED recognized that issue and became the good practitioner of ICT among the governmental organizations of Bangladesh. LGED is largely presence at grass root level and entrusted to develop infrastructures for local government to promote good governance. LGED is the key actor of bridging the last mile gap through the development works for strengthening the local governance in Bangladesh.
Basically ICT enabled services started in LGED at 1990’s. Among the government departments LGED first hosted website on August 27, 1997. From the very first beginning of LGED’s journey, GIS/MIS becoming the key ICT instrument to facilitate planning, designing and implementation of development project being undertaken by LGED. To date LGED’s ICT driven service delivery for strengthening local government can be entitled as e-governance system with in local government. Through donor supported programme LGED’s institutionalized good governance down to last tire of local government by providing computers at Union Parishad Complexes.
Implementation of e-governance in LGED, represented the performance and results-driven organizational culture. LGED has a well-established culture of being performance-driven and this presents a major prerequisite for any change management and reform initiative. Because of the existence of numerous projects funded by different development partners, there is a culture of reporting on project progress and performance being evaluated against predefined work plans and a set of inputs and outputs. This provides an excellent environment for deployment of ICT systems to strengthen results based management.
Institutionalization of computerized systems and use of ICT: LGED has been an early adopter of new technologies and ideas and has broad appreciation among staff for the role and benefits of ICT. This provides the right foundation for bringing in new ICT-based systems which can provide a radically different and better way of working and improving organizational effectiveness.
Strong Commitment by top and middle management. There is a strong support for ICT-enabled administration from the top management and demonstrated willingness to change. Thanks to self-perception of the organization as being a leader, innovator and ‘island of excellence’, LGED’s management at all levels is open to introducing new ideas and technologies. Basic building blocks already exist. The key components required for an entity-wide Decision Support System are already in place. These include:
Availability of computerized MIS packages: Over the last decade LGED has developed several MIS packages which are being used for meeting the requirements of different projects and functions which is excellent starting point for a fully integrated, enterprise-wide solution required to meet the ever evolving and growing MIS needs of LGED.
To address this issue, it is recommended as a high priority that LGED develops its own long term ICT and MIS blueprint incorporating all the different functional needs of different departments and projects, so as to facilitate holistic planning for using ICT as a decision support tool. This blueprint would assess the existing systems such as Uniform Financial Management System (UFMS), and make recommendations on next steps. In December 2007, an IT and MIS Needs Assessment study of LGED was carried out with ADB support. The report suggested developing a web-based MIS system for meeting the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) needs of LGED by defining a set of key performance indicators. However the report neither provided the overall e-governance / ICT vision, nor provided a long-term strategy to convert this vision into a reality. The report provided details of the hardware required for the suggested system along with qualifications for the posts of ICT and MIS Division but only from the limited project M&E point of view.
There is an initiative from management level to develop Integrated Decision Support System which will bring all the software and application of LGED in a single platform, and will generate required reports and graphics for the different management tiers to facilitate informed decision taking. The IDSS should be both modular and scalable, and based on web technologies. The IDSS is expected to cover the following:
The central system should be based on “off-the shelf” technology and should enable management to evaluate the performance of like contracts, prepare value-for-money audits, and compare the general performance of LGED against projects implemented by other agencies doing similar work.